Fire Safety in Hotels and Sleeping Accommodations

Hotel Corridor with Fire Safety Doors and Emergency Lighting

Fire safety is a critical concern for hotels, where the wellbeing of guests and staff is paramount. Ensuring that fire safety measures are in place is not only a legal obligation but also a key component of providing a safe and secure environment.

In this blog, we will delve into the importance of fire safety within hotels, explore the essential measures that should be implemented, and highlight how partnering with a facilities management company can make a significant difference in maintaining a safe and secure hotel environment.

So what do you need to do to stay safe?

Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs)

This will identify the risks in your building and then allows assessors to create a plan to eliminate, reduce and protect people from those risks. It also shows that your hotel is compliant in regular inspections.

Fire Safety Equipment

You should ensure you have these in place, that they’re well maintained and working efficiently: 

  • Alarms – there should be working alarm systems on every floor of your premises, and in every room of your hotel.
  • Emergency Lighting – In the event of a fire, if systems go off, it is vital that there is some sort of lighting for people to navigate their way out of the building.
Illuminated Fire Safety Sign
  • Fire Doors – In hotels, all bedrooms should be equipped with self-closing fire doors to help prevent the spread of fire. While fire doors are recommended for B&Bs, guesthouses, and self-catering accommodations, they are not mandatory. These doors should have all passed inspections by a competent inspector. Read more about Fire Door Assessments here.
  • Fire Exits – Fire exits should be easily accessible at convenient locations throughout the hotel.
  • Fire Extinguishers – There are different extinguishers for different types of fires. Make sure you have the right ones spread out in the appropriate places to maximise protection. If you’re unsure of which extinguishers are appropriate, read this guide.

Service and Maintenance

All equipment must be kept in working order and checked at regular intervals by a competent and certified person. One way of achieving this is by using a third-party accredited company, like Global Facilities.

The UK Government have guidelines for Fire Safety in Sleeping Accommodations, which gives advice for staff, common areas for residents and sleeping, dining and other accommodation for guests and residents. You can read the official Fire Safety guidance here.


Fire safety training is a legal obligation for all UK businesses – every member of staff on-site needs to be aware of the hazards and what to do in the event of a fire. 


Evacuation Process

This is a key component in your fire safety strategy and there needs to be an evacuation route planned from every room, with every guest made aware of this.

What happens if you fail to meet the fire obligations in your hotel?

The fatality risk associated with fire dramatically increases within sleeping accommodation, so it is understandably taken very seriously by the FSA. If a fire occurs and you have not fulfilled your legal obligations to ensure people’s safety, you could face fines and potentially imprisonment.


Where do I start?

There’s a lot to consider if managing fire safety in a hotel. The best place to start is with a Fire Risk Assessment, which will guide you through making your fire safety strategy competent, efficient and compliant. Get in touch with Global Facilities to book in your inspection with our fire safety specialists, and any remedial works needed to get your building safe, secure and protected from the risk of fire.