Fire doors are an important part of any fire safety plan. As such, they should be checked on a regular basis to ensure they are in proper working order and to identify any potential risks or hazards. But how do you properly undergo a fire door check? This blog will discuss the steps involved in undertaking a fire door check.
What Is A Fire Door Inspection Survey?
A fire door inspection survey is a comprehensive review of all the fire doors in your building to check that they are up to standard and in good working order. The purpose of such an inspection survey is to identify any potential risks posed by the existing doors and any areas where improvements can be made.
When examining fire doors, the inspector will have a set list of criteria that must be met in order for the door to be deemed fit and safe. This includes checking the size, material type, construction, locks and seals, fire rating, and other relevant information.
Who Is Responsible For Fire Door Maintenance?
The owner or occupier of the premises is responsible for all aspects of fire safety, including fire door maintenance. It is important to ensure that a qualified professional regularly performs the necessary checks, and any work identified should be completed as soon as possible. The responsible person should also keep accurate records of all inspections and any repairs or maintenance that are carried out.

How Often Should We Check Our Fire Doors and Have A Fire Door Inspection?
According to new legislation that came into effect in 2023, fire doors should be checked according to the following:
Property owners need to undertake quarterly checks of all fire doors, including self-closing devices, in the common areas of the building.
Property owners must undertake on a best endeavour basis to carry out yearly checks of all flat entrance doors, including any self-closing devices that lead onto a building’s common parts.
These fire protection measures cover social landlords’ responsibilities for fire safety in residential premises, including purpose-built blocks of flats, individual homes and sheltered housing. Property owners will be responsible for all multi-occupied residential buildings in England with storeys over 11 metres in height.
Related Article: What are fire door regulations.
Top Tips For Checking Your Fire Doors:
Whilst a fire door inspection must always be carried out by a licensed professional, there are a few things you can do to check your fire doors in the meantime. It is important to note that these tips are to be carried out in addition, not as a substitute for a proper inspection.
Check Your Gaps
Check the gaps around your door frames. These should be less than 4mm wide, as any wider could allow smoke and flames to enter through the doors.
Look For Signs Of Wear & Tear
Look for signs of damage or wear and tear on the doors, such as scrapes, chips or cracks. Any defects should be reported to an inspector for immediate attention.
Hold Open Devices
Ensure that the self-closing device, such as a door closer or electric strike, is working properly and not allowing the fire doors to remain open. In addition, make sure that a working fire alarm is in place, and a fire extinguisher is nearby.
Door Frame Damage
Check the door frame itself for any signs of damage, such as warping or deformations. Any issues should be addressed and corrected by a licensed professional.

Facilities Management Services
Facilities management services refer to a range of services designed to maintain, operate and manage the physical assets of your building or organisation. These services also include fire door checks, as it is essential that all building safety needs are taken care of. Here at Global Facilities, we offer a range of facilities management services, including fire door inspection and a fire risk assessment. Our team of experienced professionals can provide you with the peace of mind that your building is safe, secure, and in line with the fire door inspection scheme. Contact us today to find out more!
In conclusion, the importance of fire door inspections and maintenance should never be underestimated. Property owners must ensure that all their fire doors are in good condition and up to date with legislation to adequately protect people and property in the event of a fire. Regular checks can help identify any issues and ensure all necessary safety protocols are in place.
Ultimately, fire door inspections and maintenance should be conducted regularly to ensure the safety of everyone involved. It is critical that property owners remain informed about fire door legislation and take appropriate measures. We hope that the tips provided in this article have been useful. Stay safe, and be sure to inspect your fire doors regularly!
Fire Door Checks FAQs:
We've done our best to try and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about fire door checks below:
This depends on the type of building that you're in. However, as a general rule, quarterly checks should be carried out on all fire doors according to the fire safety order.
The responsible person should check the door frame and gaps between the door and frame, any hold-open devices, signs of wear or tear, and the door frame itself.
Yes, fire door inspections are mandatory according to new legislation from 2023. This is to ensure that the number of fire-related fatalities in the UK is reduced after the Grenfell tower tragedy.